Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just a darn minute

Every writer is different, I've said that a million times in my 20-some posts on this blog. But something different happened to me during my writing today.

Before I even started writing today, I had a revelation about something that could happen much earlier in the story from where I am currently plodding through. I went back and cranked out about 1,300 words on the brand-spanking new chapter, and it was like a handful of light bulbs went on.

That new blurb (which isn't yet finished) has opened the doors to a new idea with the main conflict, and even more character development. I'm always worried about my characters and whether or not they're cardboard cutouts or not. Making just one or two of them look a little more flawed and normal is a step in the right direction.

But the moral of this story is with my writing. I had always stayed pretty linear during my writing, going straight through from one chapter to the next. It had worked best for me, and I would worry about making any major adjustments in editing or in a subsequent draft.

This told me that it's all right to go back if I am so moved, and that it's probably a good idea. This might not be some world-breaking revelation, but it helped me out for today - and with my future writing.

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