Friday, September 18, 2009

Multi-tasking is not fun

I feel like I can do quite a few things at once. I mean, even as I type: I'm breathing, my heart is beating, my fingers are moving, my brain is trying to spell words correctly, and my eyes are watching this. Voila! Multi-tasking!

But seriously, folks (koff, koff). Writing a novel is tough because of all of the extra stuff that goes along with it. I'm not only pounding out a bunch of words into my novel each day, but I'm also dedicating a bunch of necessary networking time into things like Twitter. And there's also time that goes into this blog. I try to post at least twice per day so it doesn't get stale.

On top of that, I'm reading as much as ever, and that has only helped my writing. Oh, I also have a job where I write for a living. And I cover sports, so it's not a very busy time there at all.

But hey, it's all worth it to me. This whole process - the writing, the meeting people on Twitter, the creation of this blog - has been one of the most rewarding things I've done for myself already. And I'm not even done with the book yet.

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